FLOW Sangha - Meditation + Wisdom + Community
The Vedic View on Psychedelics
You can call them psychedelics or entheogens or plant medicines, or show your age and go with the old standby "drugs." But whatever you call them it’s hard to ignore the firestorm of interest that’s been whipped up by their growing acceptance, both in therapeutic settings and in our personal explorations.
What is the role of these powerful, conscious-altering compounds in the evolution of consciousness, both our own and that of the collective? Can you micro-dose your way to enlightenment? And how can comparably hum-drum experiences like meditation reinforce and stabilize these ego-dissolving experiences? These are questions we'll be examining during this month's FLOW Sangha gathering. Hope you can join us.
11 - 11:10am - gather, say hi, get settled
11:10 - 11:30am - wisdom sharing
11:30 - 12pm - meditation
12 - 12:30pm - continued discussion, Q&A
The goal of these FLOW Sangha monthly sessions is to help you live your life with greater presence and flow. The session will be a mix of lecture, discussion and meditation. If you don't already know how to meditate you will be given instruction in simple, accessible technique. After the session we may decide to go grab some food, or simply hang out and sip some tea and continue the conversation.